After more than a week without response from the eBay seller I wrote to him again, this time proposing that perhaps he’d be more open to replacing the WonderMedia WM8650 tablet instead of issuing me a full refund (although I’m not sure why I did this since the product he was selling was not what I wanted anyway):
“Hi. It has been some days and you have not responded. Can you help me fix it or not? If yes great if not then I have a new offer for you:
You can replace this tablet with a new one. This way you will only have to refund $14 for return shipping and you can keep my original payment of $72.58. So you will still keep most of my money. I will only send back the tablet (not original box and accessories) and you can also send me only the tablet (without original box and accessories) that way it will cost less to ship. You must send me new and tested tablet, ok? So what do you think, does this sound good? 2 things (free and easy) you must agree to though before we do replacement:
1. You must tell me the exact model number of this tablet. Not just general like "flytouch" or "wm8650" I mean exact model number, because even the fake android tablets like this one have a model number and I want to accurately know exactly what I am buying before you send it this time.
2. Please try to send download link for the original rom file (that can be booted from sd card). After I receive the new tablet I am going to upgrade it with uberoid, because that is a much better rom. In case upgrade does not work I might have to put original rom on it again.
Please try to do both these things because it will help us both because then I can fix the tablet more easily if something goes wrong. So do you want to do replacement/exchange of only tablet (without original box and accessories) so you can only refund $14 return shipping and keep rest of my payment? If so please tell me the information I asked for and also confirm your shipping address. Thank you I hope this is good solution for both of us! Also please try to reply more quickly this time.”
Here is the eBay seller’s response:
“Dear friend,
You can check all the tablet on eBay. This item is WM8650 the motherboard is WM8650. We name all the tablet according to the motherboard and you say you send back just the tablet it is ok but make sure the tablet wraps well so it will not be damaged. About the shipping postage we will send to you again after we receive it for free and should I pay for the postage you send back to me?”
Oh great, here we go again, this guy did not even know what model tablet he was selling! Was it even a real WonderMedia WM8650, Flytouch, ePad or Superpad (these are all names the seller tried to use in the product description)? I mean I could’ve tried to fix it myself if only I knew what I was fixing. Other messages followed in trying to clear up this silly confusion.
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Read full: An eBay Buyer’s True Story
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I definitely think if he is selling a product he should know what he is selling. I think it is irresponsible for an online marketer to not at least have some clue. The exception would be if the listing says he/she is not sure, because sometimes people get donations of items to sell with no indication of brand name.