Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fake Android Market on WM8650 Tablet

The first thing I realized about the WonderMedia WM8650 tablet was that the Android Market was fake (this tablet is also sometimes falsely sold as Flytouch, Superpad and/or ePad). It had very few apps (in fact I don’t recall being able to find any of the ones that I wanted such as Gmail, Skype, MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger). I was also suspicious about the 2-point touch screen since all the apps that I initially used did not allow me to pinch zoom (later I found the hardware does allow 2-point touch but is not compatible with many apps). So here is what I wrote to the seller expressing my dismay:

Hi. This item is not as described because of the following reasons:

- It does not have the REAL Android Market and does not allow me to link a Google account to the device. I need some way of installing many new software on it, NOT your FAKE Android Market because it does not have the programs that I want.

- It does not let me pinch zoom. You said it is 2-Point touch screen but this does not seem to be true.

Please tell me SOON how to fix these 2 problems. Otherwise I will have to give a very negative eBay feedback because item is not as you have described. I hope we can solve these problems.

Thank you.

After sending the eBay message I immediately got a few auto responses saying that the seller is out of office. They read:

“Dear customers:

This is an auto reply, I received your email. As we will be day off at weekends, your message will probably be replied on next week. I will deal with your problem when come back for work, please check your message box later. Thanks for your understanding. Have a nice weekend!

ps: in order to provide you better customer service we set this automatic message to tell you what happened and we will give you solution for your problem when we are back.”

“Oh boy,” I thought, “What have I gotten myself into?” I did receive a response the very next day though. Seeing the message in my eBay Inbox I was temporarily relieved, although the joy lasted only a few seconds and you can understand why after reading what the seller wrote:

Hello friend,

When you enter the Android market you should create an account and must do again and again. So when you use it you can enter into and download the software.

About the two point, when you take photos you surely can use your two fingers to make it large or small we have a test before we send out.

So could you tell me more about it then I can feedback the points to the manufacture is this ok? Do not worry we surely solve for your problems.

I realized that perhaps the seller did not even realize that he was selling a fake/pirated product, and this was going to be a big problem. Rather than the seller educating the buyer, I would have to do the reverse! Read what happened next as I attempted to do this.

<-- Previous post: Real Deal Behind Fake Android Tablet on eBay
Next post --> Fixing Android Market on WM8650

Read full: An eBay Buyer’s True Story

1 comment:

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