Monday, March 5, 2012

What Wise Business Owners Do After Holidays

It is true that most shop owners get over 75% of their income during the holiday season at the end of the year by promoting special offers related to Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Most business owners are tired of their busy routine after the months of November and December and start slacking off once they hit January of next year. However, what wise business owners do after holidays is make every moment count and use the earlier months of the year to continue selling, prepare for the next holiday season, manage their human resources and promote their brand. Here are some things that you should consider doing after all the hype of the holidays is over.

Reflect on Last Year.

How well did you do last year? What were the main points holding you back? Were you attracting enough customers, and were you able to convert plenty of leads into sales? Think of the problems that you ran into last year and what you need to do in order to ensure that you won’t make the same mistakes twice.

Clear Out Seasonal Products.

The last thing you want is for your store to look like it is still stuck in the Christmas theme. Try to get rid of seasonal products as quickly as possible unless you have enough room to store them until the end of the year when you can try to sell them again. Perhaps you could have a clearance sale or even offer the leftover products as a gift for purchasing other items at your store.

Restock Your Shelves.

What was in demand most at your store last year? Were customers asking for certain types of products that you didn’t have available? When restocking your itinerary, think about the needs and budget of the customers that you attract. Making sales is all about supply and demand, so if consumers are demanding for something you should feel obligated to supply it not only to boost your sales but also to show that you care for your customers and what they want to buy.

Lower Costs.

There may be unwanted expenses lingering from the holidays that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. Such expenses may include overstaffing since you may have hired more people when sales were at a peak but you don’t need to keep paying salaries to people who no longer have enough work to do. You may want to cut back on advertising costs as well now that the holiday shoppers are no longer looking at ads and the target audience for advertisements has diminished.

After-holiday Perks

Remember that smart shoppers are always looking for deals no matter what time of the year it may be. You should keep customers interested in your store by occasionally offering discounts and other perks. Some businesses offer discount coupons for the next purchase when someone buys a gift at their store during the holidays. This is an excellent way of getting continuing business from holiday shoppers because they will come back to shop at your store and use their discount coupon after the holidays are over.

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