Saturday, March 10, 2012

Misconceptions About Marketing on Facebook

Every company wants to jump on the Facebook bandwagon these days, but do they truly understand what Facebook marketing is all about? The truth is that there are many misconceptions about marketing on Facebook because the use of social media is uniquely different when compared to conventional print ads or even online advertising concepts such as search engine advertising (SEO) and e-commerce websites. As the term describes, social media is all about social growth and hence has more to do with making connections and developing relationships rather than just try to promote your brand or sell your products. Here is some information that you should keep in mind when trying to market on Facebook.

You are not just a page.

Unfortunately, too many companies make the mistake of thinking that Facebook marketing is just about building a company profile page on Facebook. These companies hire people to manage their social media campaign and post status updates, images and other company-related content on the company’s Facebook page. What business owners may not realize is that very few people will look at your Facebook page unless you return the favor. Hence, you also need to go on the pages of other companies and individuals, keep up-to-date with their activities and post comments under their status messages and photos.

You can’t be friends with everyone.

Now that you realize the importance of networking on Facebook, you may be trying to become friends with as many Facebook members as possible. Once again, you are making a common mistake. You need to choose your social structure carefully because it reflects on who you are or what your company represents. Try to only be friends with the members that are related to your industry or offer a serious potential for becoming your customer. Avoid becoming friends with Facebook members that will just become a passive addition to your friends list.

Be approachable and honest.

Many people use Facebook as a platform for building personal relationships and keeping up with personal interests, so the last thing they want to run into on Facebook is a company that is all about self-promotion rather than building relationships. Instead of trying to hammer your Facebook friends with self-praise, try to engage them with questions and welcome suggestions. For example, you could post a question asking what their favorite ice-cream flavor is if you own an ice-cream shop instead of just telling them about which ice-cream flavors you offer. Facebook users want to be a part of a community rather than just be treated as customers.

Return loyalty with loyalty.

Never leave out your loyal customers or affiliates from your Facebook activities. Your loyal customers are your best marketers because they can share first-hand information about your services or products. Allow them to post on your Facebook wall openly and mention positive as well as negative attributes about your company. Show appreciation when they praise your company and take negative comments as positive criticism. Respond to other Facebook users promptly and never let them feel neglected or left out.

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