Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fixing Android Market on WM8650 Tablet

The seller was under the incorrect impression that the WonderMedia WM8650 tablet (aka Flytouch, Superpad, ePad) had the real Android Market. In truth this was a Chinese apps market and in my view calling it an Android Market was an act of piracy and misleading the buyer. I wrote to the eBay seller trying to explain what he was selling and wondered if he had a solution:


Well, this is a fake/pirated product. It does not have the REAL Android 2.2 lots of things are missing (original operating system is missing). Also the Android Market is FAKE it does not have apps I want that are in the REAL Android Market. If I say I will give you a Seiko watch, then give you a fake watch even if I write on it it is Seiko, how will you feel? Same way you said you will give me Android Tablet PC, it is not that, and you saying it is doesn't make it the real thing.

For the time being if you can give me the exact model name of this product I can try to fix it (it does not seem to be the model names you put in the item title). If you have a way I can COMPLETELY ERASE/FORMAT the product operating system and data and then put a better compatible ROM or operating system, then I can try to make it work, although still this product is not what you described. Now it has lots of bugs so I will have to reinstall operating system from total blank. Please send specific links for downloads/instructions if you can tell how to do this, otherwise I will have to dispute further. Thank you.

Once again I immediately got the “Seller is out of office” auto response on eBay messages page. When the seller replied later on his response was somewhat a general customer service type response with no clear steps that I could follow to solve this problem:

Hi friend,

Please do not worry we will solve this for you asap and we have asked the manufacturer to upload the software to the website so we will give you the link asap.

The android market surely you can upload a lot of things so have you enter into it?

The good news was that the eBay seller was going to contact the manufacturer on my behalf, so there was a chance that the manufacturer would understand my problem. The bad news was that the seller was still trying to justify the preinstalled Chinese apps market as being a legitimate version or suitable alternate to the genuine Android Market! So in my next email I showed some patience and told the seller that I will try to work with him, hoping that the manufacturer could help me out.

<-- Previous post: Fake Android Market on WM8650 Tablet
Next post -->: Finding Out Which WM8650 Tablet Model You Have

Read full: An eBay Buyer’s True Story

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